I'm excited to share thoughts on a great book I've read recently, HBR's "10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself", which also includes an interesting article "How Will You Measure Your Life?" by Clayton M. Christensen.

This book is a collection of brilliant ideas about how to manage ourselves better in work and life. I'll be discussing the main ideas and useful advice from each article in the book, including the special bonus article. This book has a lot to teach us, whether we're just starting out or already have years of experience. So, stick around and let's explore these lessons together!

Here are my takeaway points from the book. This thread is updated from time to time.

How will you measure your life?

Updated: 21 May 2023

  1. Self-Reflection and Purpose:

    • Seek your own answers to vital questions about career happiness, enduring relationships, and integrity. Career satisfaction often comes not from monetary gain but from opportunities for growth, contribution, and recognition.
    • Devote time to identify your life's purpose. Success in your profession is just one way to realize this purpose. Without a defined purpose, life can become hollow.
  2. Resource Allocation:

    • Your personal time, energy, and talent are vital resources. How you distribute these fundamentally shape your life's strategy.
    • Be mindful of the tendency to prioritize career over family. Solid and nurturing relationships are a crucial source of happiness.
  3. Culture Creation:

    • Cultivate skills to foster collaboration.
    • Culture provides a roadmap for addressing recurring problems and defines priorities. To instil self-esteem and confidence in our families, we must guide them towards success.
  4. The "Marginal Costs" Mistake:

    • Beware of justifying unethical behaviour with the marginal cost doctrine, which makes "just this once" seem innocuous.
    • Upholding your principles all the time is more accessible than trying to do so most of the time. Refrain from falling into the "just this once" trap.
  5. Humility:

    • Carry a sense of humility. If you believe you can learn from everyone, growth opportunities are boundless.
  6. Choose the Right Yardstick:

    • Focus not on your success but on your positive influence on others.
    • Consider the metrics by which your life will be evaluated. Strive to live each day so that, in the end, your life will be deemed a success by these standards.