Learning in Public
There's a lot I want to learn, and a lot I've learned and yet to be documented. Here's where I list both.
I will check the checkbox only after writing about it.
Computer Science
Data Analysis: Information Visualization
- Foundations
- Applied Perception
- Advanced Techniques
Computer Networks
- Basic terminology to get started with networks
- TCP/IP Model
- Physical Layer
- Data link layer
- Network Layer
- Transport Layer
- Application Layer
Operating Systems
- Basics
- Introduction to Operating Systems
- What is Operating System?
- Boot Block (What happens when you press power on in operating system?)
- Types of Computer Memory
- Difference b/w 32-bit and 64-bit OS
- System Architecture
- CPU Scheduling
- Process Synchronization
- Deadlock
- Processess & Threads
- Memory Management
- File and Disk Management
Database Systems Concepts and Design
- Fundamentals of Databases
- Models
- Entity Relationship Model
- ER Relational Mapping
- Normalization
- Functional Dependencies
- Transactions and Concurrency Control
- Indexing, B, B+ Tress
- NoSQL (MongoDB, Firebase)
- GraphQL
- Basic Foundation
- Asymptotic Notation
- Complexity (Big O notation)
- Size complexity
- Time complexity
- Recursion and Backtracking
- Greedy Algorithms
- Divide and Conquer Algorithms
- Dynamic Programming
- Sorting
- Bubble
- Insertion
- Selection
- Merge
- Heap
- Quick
- Tree
- Counting
- Bucket Sort
- Radix Sort
- Searching
- Binary search
- Pattern matching
- Hashing
Data Structures
- Strings
- Lists
- Arrays
- Linked lists
- Singly linked lists
- Doubly linked lists
- Circular linked lists
- Stack
- Queue
- Hash tables
- Trees
- Tries
- Binary tree
- Segment tree
- AVL tree
- Priority Queues & Heaps
- Graph
Language Concepts
- Basics
- Python data types
- What is the importance of indentation?
- Comments and Documentation
- Operators
- Variable scope and binding
- List and its methods
- Dictionary and its methods
- groupby()
- Iterables and Iterators
- Functions
- Decorators
- Classes
- String and its methods
- Diff between Module and Package
- Math Module
- Complex Module
- Collections Module
- Operators Module
- JSON Module
- The
module - locale module
- Itertools Modul
- Asyncio Module
- Functools Module
- tkinter
- Generators
- regex
- Context Managers
- Subprocess
- Type Hints
- Garbage Collection
- Multiprocessing
- Sockets
- Websockets
- Flask
- Django
- Celery
- RabbitMQ
- Docker
- Creating a Pipeline
- Kubernetes